Gamification is one of the most modern ways of enhancing the traditional form of assessment. The psychometric properties of traditional assessments remain unchanged, but the application of game elements is used to give the assessment the look and feel of the game.
The modern market is candidate-oriented, that is why the assessment methods should be attractive, motivating for candidates and able to build positive employer brand.
Our partner is the award-winning assessment company Revelian, based in Australia. Revelian provides technological innovations in assessing candidates’ abilities with a game-based assessment.
Ideal assessment for predicting future performance in all types of jobs. Recommended for use in the pre-selection phase for attracting millennials and as a tool for efficient instant screening of a large number of applications.
Assessment of the following abilities:
- problem-solving
- numerical reasoning
- verbal reasoning
Take a look at the benefits of Cognify and feel what it looks like to play this game:
Emotify provides assessment of emotional intelligence seen as ability to:
- accurately evaluate emotions based on facial expressions
- accurately perceive the context of emotional situations (emotional consequences of a situation, e.g. I failed the exam and therefore I am sad)
The game is recommended for use in the pre-selection phase in all positions where the key requirement is working with customers, teamwork and predicting the potential for managerial positions.
Take a look at the benefits of Emotify and feel what it looks like to play this game: